Before diving into the concept of TMJ Disorder Treatment, let us understand TMJ. The Temporomandibular Joint is located near the ear, where the skull and lower jaw intersect. This joint is an essential part of the body, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining daily life functionality like chewing, talking, and even yawning.

TMJ Disorder occurs when there is a problem with this joint, disc or the muscles and ligaments around the joint. There are multiple reasons why this situation may arise. We will look into the symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors of TMJ Disorders in the following blog.

Many individuals come with queries related to this treatment and its causes. Here is a brief blog that will clear all the doubts and queries about TMJ Disorder Treatment in Ahmedabad provided by our clinic, with care and transparency for the best possible outcome.

Causes of TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder is a situation that can occur due to multiple reasons. Thus, the causes and risk factors of TMJ Disorder are branched in diverse areas. Let us look into multiple causes in brief for a better understanding of the TMJ concept :

You Have a Habit of Teeth Grinding.

Having a habit of grinding and clenching teeth can be a prominent cause of TMJ Disorder. This action applies continuous pressure on the teeth and jaw, which can lead to pain and dysfunction.

You Have It Due to a Genetic Factor.

In some cases, this disorder can be passed on from family. If there is a family history of joint-related problems, then there can be a high risk of occurrence of TMJ Disorder. As this is a known fact, do not hesitate to get the TMJ Disorder Treatment as soon as possible.

You Maintain a Poor Posture.

It is essential to maintain a good and well-structured position for the maintenance of a healthy posture. Particularly, it is due to poor posturing of the head, neck and shoulder

You Have Some Oral Structural Issues.

Structural issues include any problem related to the jaw or its misalignment. It also includes issues related to missing teeth, which can be a barrier to the functionality of the jaw.

You Have Suffered From an Injury.

If you have suffered from an accident recently, like a car accident, which can impact the functioning of your neck and jaw. This type of injury leads to TMJ Disorder due to a forceful or sudden movement, which may cause difficulty in the routine.

You Suck Your Thumb Frequently.

It occurs usually in children if they have a continuous habit of sucking their thumb. Furthermore, it leads to alteration in the alignment of the teeth and jaw, contributing to be cause of TMJ Disorder.

Other Factors

There are various other factors that can contribute to the branches of causes of TMJ Disorder. Certain psychological factors - Anxiety, stress, and depression can lead to habits such as teeth clenching and muscle tension, which can, in turn, lead to TMJ Disorder Treatment.

As there are multiple causes of TMJ Disorder, it is essential to figure out what has caused this situation so that a treatment plan can be formulated accordingly. If you experience symptoms of TMJ disorder, consult a professional to explore the causes and solutions for the same.

Risk Factors for TMJ Disorders


While comparing the genders of males and females, it has been observed that females have more chances of suffering from TMJ Disorder because of hormonal differences in the body. However, when it comes to the topic of recovery, both men and female have similar abilities to respond to the treatment.


Age factor does not play a very crucial role in dealing with TMJ Disorder, as it can occur at any stage of life. But, to have a clear image of the age group, it is observed that the 18 to 44-year-old age group range has a high chance of the occurrence of TMJ Disorder.


Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis can increase the chances of TMJ Disorder. Rheumatoid is a situation where the defence system of the body attacks the joint, leading to a painful condition.

Osteoarthritis is a situation where there is wear and tear of the joints over time. Both of these conditions can enhance the chance of TMJ Disorder.

Chronic Pain

If there is a condition of lower back pain or migraines, then there is more chance of the development of TMJ Disorder. Choric pain can alter the response mechanism of the body, which can make the condition more severe.

Now that you have understood the causes and risk-related factors of TMJ Disorder, it will be easy for you to analyse the situation of TMJ Disorder treatment effectively. By understanding these diverse factors that might cause a disorder, it is high time for you to analyse yourself and stop any habit like grinding or continuously sitting in the wrong position for a long period. In certain cases, it is essential to consult an Orthopedic specialist at an early stage so that any further severe complications can be paused. At Healme Pain Clinic, the best Orofacial Pain Clinic, we concentrate on solving your problem with much care and dignity.